
Monday, September 30, 2019

Consumer Behavior In The Fashion Industry Essay

Introduction This study is aimed at analyzing the consumer behavior towards the fashion industry especially in consideration young and mature women in London. Fashions are concerned with the production of fashion clothing. Most consumers in the world today are concerned with the features of the product as they form most important factor in determining the consumer behaviors. Take for example of products of fashion show for young and mature women. The industry is involved in the manufacture clothing. Due to increase and growth of consumerism, the clothing should come up with clothes that make women move with times thus increasing consumption and production. Consumer behavior in the automotive industry especially in consideration to general motors is influenced by culture factors, social factors, Personal factors and Psychological factors. Look more:  the consumer buying process begins when essay RESEARCH OBJECTIVES   The answers to this question will enhance my professional knowledge and competence in many ways.   As a professional I will understand factors influencing consumption in the industry and will enable me make recommendations on improving the fashions market share.The answers to this question also will assist me as a professional by motivating me to ensure that that I work improves their products. 1)To review literature on fashion behaviour and the factors influencing 2)To compare and contrast the buying behaviour of mature and young woman in London regarding buying of fashion clothing 3)To identified the key factors influencing the buying process of fashion clothing in young and mature woman in London 4)To provide recommendation to manufacture of fashion clothing and fashion retailer. Scope of the study The scoop of the study follows literature review of factors influencing. The researcher manages the entire gamut of processes from initial stage of identifying the problem to final stage of report writing. The capabilities required by the researcher in this research in managing the entire project and providing real time for information sharing, decision synchronization and research optimization to all stake holders. What are necessary attribute required by a researcher to manage the dynamics of marketing based on the requirements by industry. However, this study assumes that other factors like family background financial, stability of the family place of birth, race, have no impact on the consumer behaviors. The proposed study will be used as a supplementary framework to focus entirely on the competence of the research. The objects of the study will include; Experimental Correlation Survey Grounded theory Ethnography Narrative Mixed method Action research. This study will be based on a process based on experiment using practical’s as a platform to develop method which will be used as evaluation criteria for the research and researcher in this research question and future researchers The critical review Literature review Consumer behavior in the consumption of any product any where in the world is influenced by culture factors, social factors, Personal factors and Psychological factors. Culture factors In world today culture is one of the most fundamental determinants for one when deciding the product to consume. This is because of a wide range of products and services.   Most of the people due to their cultural influence have started preferring certain products.   Children growing up will learn the culture of parents or peers thus preferring specific values that are crucial to a determining consumption. One of the values they like most is comfort.   These values common in children remain in them even if they grow up. From the culture, somebody may develop certain spending patterns is not something strange.   A child growing up in specific culture is exposed to achievement, success, beliefs and other cultural factors that influence behavior towards consumption. Cultural factors real influence a consumer behavior. Where people believe in values like efficiency and practicality it will influence their consumption is such a situation products that are known to be very efficient in their operations will be preferred. Each culture consists of smaller subcultures that provide more specific identifications.   To its some people consist of racial groups such as the Africans, Americans, Europeans and Asian each have good distinct cultural styles.   They are known to prefer products for example consumption of pork may be rare in middle east because culture and religion. Social factor   Another factors consumer behavior is greatly influenced by social factors like statuses, family and reference groups.   When once goes to the market to purchase a product he will take consideration to his membership groups, social class and family.   These are groups having direct influence to once buying decisions.   These are the groups one associates with most of his time. We have some groups like the upper class prefer buying some products which are not preferred by lower class.   Since companies produces many types of products that fulfill needs this groups and attracts many people.   The influence of a family is very great.   These families using specifics brands greatly encourage their family members to also consume similar products. Co-worker also influence one’s buying decision.   If a boss buys a given commodity the juniors will also try to buy the same. People are also influenced by reference groups in three ways.   Reference groups usually expose a person to a new behavior and lifestyle.   One can belong to a group whose lifestyle believes at consuming a certain product.   If a company produces high quality brands it stands at a better chance of making more sales to such reference group. Reference groups also influence one’s attitudes because their desires fit in these groups. People may prefer some products from a certain company, hence once could like to join his friend or family member towards belonging to the same social class by buying a that product. Also reference groups influence similarity and conformity that may make a person to alive at a specific decision.   So doing one will eventually buy a product similar to that of his friend. People who are in the same social class share similar values, interests, and behavior.   For example there is upper class people who are social elite with a good family background. Personal factors Age and life cycle stage greatly influence consumer buying behavior of almost all products from all industries. Most Bachelors tend to prefer specific brands associated by most youths. But those who are newly married, young and better of financially prefer buying consume different products. In making the final decision of buying a product one’s personal characteristics like his age and life-cycle stage, lifestyle, occupation, economic circumstances and personality will influence his choice. Companies take much consideration to personal characteristics of various groups of people before coming up with a product in order to meet the needs and demand of its people. A child growing up and exposed to some values like material comfort, external comfort and achievement and success will be influenced by those characteristics to consume. For example in America people like buying products that gives them external comfort. People in various professions like occupation managers, school heads, senior government officers, mayors, engineers, lawyers and physicians usually buy some products with the most recent technology. Economic circumstances also influence once buying pattern.   Most people especially those who are highly paid with good saving and with good personnel incomes buy expensive products. The lifestyle of a person influences his or her buying pattern.   People may belong to the same occupation, social class and subculture but leading different lifestyles usually prefer products that feed that group. Personality and self-concept: Personality and self confidence also influence consumers buying behavior products and services. For example expensive car, which are electronically controlled and having four wheel drive systems are associated with people who have high Self-confidence Psychological factors Motivation: some people get satisfied when they buy specific products.   people feel that they have satisfied specific needs by buying certain goods and services. Perception: once a person has been motivated he is willing and ready to act.   Most people to be motivated in order to act will depend mostly on their perceptions of the situation. Two people in the same motivated state may act differently depending on how they perceive the situation. A product may appeal to the perception of a specific customer.   For example various colors that cars are attractive giving customers a good picture of the real quality of this car. Beliefs and attitudes: most people follow some set of belief when making a decision on the type of product to consumer. A belief about a certain product will also influence consumption.   These beliefs make up brand images and most people have been proved to act on these images. People always have good attitude towards specific products and if this product meets the performance according to the needs, desire and attitudes consumption will be influenced. METHODOLOGY: The purpose of the study is to find out factors that influence fashion consumption in UK. The phenomenological research design that will be used will involve a study of the consumer behaviors and consumption in fashion industry. This particular study will be done in two phases where the first phase will involve completion of a questionnaire which is commonly known as a questionnaire survey by individuals. This questionnaire survey will be done on a sample of twenty fashion show owners within London . And the second phase will involve the use of some interview which will be in some way semi structured. Each given phase in this design will address the different research questions and their concerns. At some point within the first phase, there will be cases of the first qualitative phase relying on the some quantitative phases that might have been in use in the design. The interviews that will be used in the design will be carried out in a sample of twenty fashion show owners. The interviews will serve to give out information concerning buying behaviors’ among women. These surveys will therefore give some contextual information about the consumption of a specific fashion. Some studies will be conducted using single stage designs and others like this one will be conducted using the two-stage design. When using the two stage design, the contextualization that will be given in the first stage will be very much helpful (Jasper, 1994). The survey will provide a specific frame for which sampling will be done from for the semi structured interviews that will be done on the fashion operators and buyers. And gaining access to the twenty fashion owners will be very essential to getting the right information concerning the consumption of fashion among young and mature women from the sampled group of a given part of city which will be a representation of the whole population of the young and mature. The given questionnaires will have the contacts so that the used sample can be contacted incase more information will be needed. The quantitative data that will be gotten from the phase of questionnaire survey will now be used to get through to the qualitative sample. The questionnaire surveys have always been made with the above additional purpose in mind. In the cases where one researcher will have to make attachments of qualitative sub samples to samples that will be statistically derived will lead to another mixed method of designs in qualitative research methods (George, 2000). Such mixed methods of designs will most of the time benefit the qualitative researchers in that they give them the chance to have a selection of the specific cases from which they will be able to draw upon information that will be contextual that will also enable them to put their hypothesis under test on a large samples that will be statistically be represented. Therefore in most cases, the researcher will have to be decided on which research design he will use in his project. Some researchers do use multiple designs while others will use single designs. This purely depends on the project that one is doing and which research design the researcher will be most comfortable with. There are three major components in a research design model and they are; determination of the limits of the people to be investigated and also what will be investigated, the collection of data and the last component is the analysis of the collected data in a phenomenological manner. In the first component, the researcher will have to know to what limits the participants in the survey will get in trying to give him the required information. Here the researcher will have to put in mind the limits of the twenty fashion owners in trying to give him information as far as matters of fashion consumption. In addition, the researcher will have to have specific issues which he would want to research on (Joan, 2004). At this point in time, the researcher will have to carry out his project purely on the safety of the crane operators. In trying to get information, the phenomenologist will have to engage himself in an in-depth probing so that quality information may be found. After identifying the sample group that will help in giving the required information, the following step will now involve identifying the most efficient data collection methods. The following methods will be the most preferred methods for this particular survey; the in-depth semi structured interviews that will have to be tape recorded and later on be transcribed. The second data collection method will be the use of a documentary study from which the writings of the subject matter will have to be reviewed so that their meanings can be properly derived from them. This second method will be used hand in hand with the first method (Johnson, 2000). The third and the last data collection method will be the technique of the participant observation. This particular technique will lead to a generation of some kind of an interview. It will be worth noting that in phenomenological research tape recording is important because the tapes will later be transcribed. Sampling designs strategies in qualitative research. There are many different qualitative sampling designs that will be used at the different stages of the research or still they will be used for the different purposes of the research. There are those questions that the researchers should constantly be asking themselves which will serve to give relevant information on the sampling strategy design that the researcher would have chosen to use. It will be very crucial for the researcher to give a clear definition of the objectives of the research. The time that will be spent making clarification with the client will be a time that will be well spent (Kendy, 19976). Most of the times, in qualitative research, the objectives of the project might be refined as the research will keep on progressing. Sometimes the available resources will try to undermine the progress of a researcher’s project. This should be prevented to happen by considering the available human resources to the project at hand and also the nature of the method of data collection. The length of interview that is the qualitative interview will have a great impact on the qualitative sampling design strategy and the final decision of the given sample size. For instance longer interviews will provide detailed data than shorter interviews. With this in mind a decision may be taken on whether to carry out longer or shorter interviews.The sampling size should also be put in mind. This will basically depend on the homogeneous or the heterogeneous nature of the population to be sampled and the requirements of the methods of the data collection that will be employed in this research. Data analysis After the researcher will collect the data, she/he will tabulate the data into tables and analyze it using frequencies descriptive and percentages. The processing of the survey results. The processing of the survey results need not to wait until has been completed, but can begin as soon as the first questionnaires are received. The main steps are; Coding. Nowadays the computer is used widely to process information. For that reason it is often advisable to code the information or even use a preceded questionnaire to facilitate the necessary processing and calculations. Punching. Subsequently the information can be punched for computer purposes. Data tabulation. With the aid of a computer, raw tables may be compiled. These tales are often only preliminary and may serve as guidelines for further analyses and condensed into possibly more meaningful tables. Statistical processing. With the previous step as a basis the information can be processed further until it yields objectives and clear answers to the problem or opportunity which is being investigated. REFERENCES Aaker, D.A., Keller, K.L. 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Sunday, September 29, 2019

Family Systems theory Essay

Why study families? †¢Traditional psychology – problem an individual one – Externalise distress – act out – Internalise distress – withdraw Theorists – Psychoanalytic – e.g Freud – fixated at a phase due to trauma and regress to this level – Behaviourists – e.g learn inappropriate response – Attachment – insecure primary attachment †¢Sociological perspective Bronfenbrenner’s model – ecological approach a)Life cycle stresses b)Stresses related to cultural expectations c)Stresses related to historical time d)Random fate e)Stress reactions which create more stress Does research support the sociological viewpoint? YES – Distress related to lack of social support – Overcrowded housing, father in gaol, depressed mother – Parental stress & maternal negativity plus child temperament – Poverty What is family’s position in the sociological model? – most influential part of child’s social context – buffer between child and outside world – serves to protect or expose child – usually positive Do families need support? – Bronfenbrenner’s model less applicable now? – Less sense of community – Increased fragmentation How do families work? Can be seen as a system – stress -> distress – child most likely to be the distressed person as most powerless Basic premises Circulatory causation – interactive model Non-summativity – whole more than sum of parts Communication – feeling and content Governed by rules – spoken or understood Homeostasis – in some sort of balance Morphogenesis – flexibility to respond to change How do you measure family relationships? Research relies on two dimensions – Affection (aka warmth, acceptance, cohesion, closeness) Disengaged————-OK—————-Enmeshed Acceptance – Control (aka power, autonomy, flexibility) Neglect——————-OK—————–Rigid Autonomy What happens when families get stressed? Timberlawn studies (Walsh 1993) Optimal families †¢Strong, warm relationships especially marital one †¢See causes and effects as circulatory †¢See events as multi-causative. †¢Actively involved in world outside family †¢Negotiate effectively †¢Feelings and thoughts expressed and accepted †¢Little blame or personal attack †¢See human nature as benign – do best in a situation †¢Flexible – adjust to new situations ADEQUATE FAMILIES Seek control rather than intimacy †¢Centripetal Rule bound Enmeshed Power battles Scapegoating Severe – eg sects †¢Centrifugal More comfortable with negative feelings Blame and attack Children expected to be independent early Material wealth takes preference over relationships Extreme – chaotic, intimidating, very unstable How can early childhood educators help? Recognise difficulties Emotionally supporting Referring on Information Helping with children if in crisis

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Midwifery Community Profile Health And Social Care Essay

A Midwifery Community Profile Health And Social Care Essay This community profile is based on an area in the outskirts of Glasgow and the objective is to identify the current provisions of maternity care and other health care services, which cater for the needs of the local population in the physical, emotional, intellectual and social needs for groups in the community, additionally, commenting on any deficits in care. Health promotions have been identified as resources that will enhance the health of this specific community’s health and are included in the profile. Also, the role and contribution of the midwifery services is explored, along with other primary healthcare providers and how they use teamwork to deliver healthcare to the community. Professional and ethical issues have been discussed throughout the profile and as all aspects of health are unrelated and interdependent, (Ewles & Simnett, 1992: Ch1 p7), a holistic and professional view has been taken to evaluate the needs, and health services of this community. The RCM beli eves that truly woman-centered care must encompass midwifery-led care of normal pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period and services that are planned and delivered close to women and the communities in which they live or work, (NHS Evidence, 2008). This statement shows the importance of a community midwife, as their role is to not only provide the clinical skills, but also be accessible for support and advice at the time of much adjustment for a woman. If the midwife can become a part of the woman’s community, getting to know the woman and her family more personally, learning to understand their lives and the nature of the life around them, she will be able to be more responsive and understanding to them as individuals, and move away from the depersonalization of the institution. Individual societies each have their own specific needs and characteristics, and it is vital for a midwife to know her area well in order to respond appropriately, along with poverty levels and rac ial mixes (Fraser and Cooper 2009, p. 43). Community-based care can be in the home or in community hospitals and centers, but is a process that emphasizes consultation, collaboration, and referral to the professionals who are most appropriately prepared to meet the women ¹s needs (Walsh, 2001). It is also vital that women are educated and â€Å"women should be given appropriate, accurate and unbiased information based on research that would allow and encourage them to make informed choices in relation to their care† (Baston & Green, 2002). Women from different backgrounds, and areas can often have very contrasting education levels and as a midwife, it is essential to know your neighborhood well in order to take these into consideration when communicating with a woman. The area chosen for this community profile is in the south west of Glasgow, which will now be referred to as area X, with a population of 10,024 (RDC – Registrar General’s Census, 2001). Table 1: Age Distribution – Area X Indicator Number Percentage Population aged 0-15 2,400 23.9% Population ages 16-64 6,463 64.5% Population aged 65+ 1161 11.6% The majority of the population is in the age range 16-64 years and the relevant health care services in the community for this group are the antenatal clinics, family planning and screening clinics.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Society - Essay Example The social roots of delinquency have been analyzed using theories developed by sociologists as well as criminologists. Some of them view delinquency as function of one individual while others describe it from the macro level of societal structure (Bernard 1984). The theories that will be presented here will be applicable to analyze of crime and delinquency in society. Society has embedded many ideas promoting the success in life. It puts a large emphasis on money, power, commodities, and material goods to prove who we are and how much one has accomplished. Unfortunately we are all given the idea that success is one universal lifestyle and we should all aim to work towards it. However, only few have the means to attain these goals. In this paper I will discuss the correlation between social classes and delinquency. It is important to find the root of the delinquency in order to start eliminating it, leading to a brighter future for those in a lower-class, enabling the youth to have fa ir opportunities in society. It is a widespread opinion that youth from lower socioeconomic class is more open for delinquency and crime. Through the theories of such sociologists as Merton, Cohen, Cloward and Ohlin I will try to prove that this opinion is right. The strain theory is similar to the structural functionalism and argues that "people who commit crimes have basically the same values as everybody else.., however, the avenues for the achievement of success are greatly restricted for people in the lower class. Thus, they are faced with a cruel dilemma: either they abandon the major American values of success and prosperity or they abandon another - obedience of the law" (Leighninger 331). Theories Merton's Strain Theory Strain theory is mainly applied to juvenile delinquency among the boys of lower class and is based on the idea that the value of success they have is shared with the larger culture, but the stratified socialization makes it impossible to compete effectively. Therefore, this pressure is causing the strain and young adults are trying to resolve it. The condition of the society prevents the poor youth from attaining success and lead to defiance of socially accepted norms. Merton has stated that sometimes the society is structured in the way promoting delinquency. As Calhoun has specified "some social structures exert a definite pressure on persons in society to engage in non conforming behavior" (174). Merton was focused on American society because United States is one of the richest countries in the world but the wealth is not equally distributed. Too much emphasis is being made on financial wellbeing. Children grow up with the dreams to become a millionaire. Distress and strain resul t from this pressure - even parents say to their children that if they do not go to college they will be lower class. Criminal activity is like the struggle to preserve the self esteem. Robert Merton added to Durkheim's concept and focused on the idea of strain between aspirations and expectations in society. According to Merton anomie was the state of structural strain between the almost universal cultural goals of the "American Dream" and the much more restricted institutionalized means for achieving them (Deutchmann p.246). Merton believes deviance is a form of adaptation to the strain that exists between, "culturally prescribed aspirations and socially structured avenues for

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Reasons for the Apparent Rise of New Religious Movements Assignment

Reasons for the Apparent Rise of New Religious Movements - Assignment Example The phenomenon behind new religious movements (NRMs) is, arguably, not new, since NRM is concerned with a groups of religious bodies or movements that entail an isolated and particular set of attributes, that have been assigned to the fringes of the dominant religious culture and by elements within the secular culture, in context of a set of religious movements that exist in a relatively contested society as a whole. It has been observed that "[m]any religious movements were born and prospered, either as the development of well-known religious traditions or as the result of a syncretic approach to different religions. In many cases their doctrines and practices differed widely from those of the mainstream religions: moreover, the "closed" structure of some of these groups, the unconventional behavior of their members, and some tragic events in which they were involved gave rise to considerable social alarm" (Ferrari, 2006, p.2). Thus, the NRMs have in many cases appropriated the anti -systemic feelings in an efficient manner and have successfully channelized into themselves in order to achieve their (un)declared goals vis--vis legitimate social and political institutions. II. When Religion Returns to a Haunted New World Order Interestingly, NRMs are often identified as 'sect' in a number of European languages "("secure" in French, "settle" in Italian, "sea" in Spanish, "Sekte" in German)" (Ferrari, 2006, p.2). Mostly, such sects are formed by a "group of dissenters who separated from a larger religious group" and popularly indicated as a collection of a "narrow-minded and fanatical group of people" (ibid, p.2).

Media and Government Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Media and Government - Assignment Example Theyre doing all the right things, but unfortunately the right things may not be good enough," Rahn said and "My advice to them at this point is to keep up the good work and then pray to the Mongolian Weather Gods to send cold fronts. That’s their best hope for clean air." Government has an authoritarian effect on the media because writer is telling all the details about the bad quality air and said this problem cannot be resolved but he still said government is doing their level best. Vivian states that the premise of authoritarian media systems is that â€Å"the government is infallible, which places its policies beyond questioning† (2011, p. 397). How is this attitude reflected in the Chinese article? In the Chinese article, writer tells all the facts about the bad air quality. He tells all the reasons and how this problem can be solved. His statement about government shows the authoritarian system that is â€Å"Theyre doing all the right things, but unfortunately the right things may not be good

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

LEB2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

LEB2 - Essay Example However, foreign firms that organized under the laws of a state other than Alabama were forbidden from similarly negotiating its tax base. These disparities lead to the Reynolds Metal Company to sue the Alabama tax authorities. Reynolds Metal and other sought to be refunded for taxes paid to Alabama on the grounds the state discriminated against foreign companies under the Commerce and Equal Protection Clauses. The Alabama Supreme Court rejected Reynolds’s claim, citing additional burdens on foreign business offset the burdens placed upon domestic businesses. An Alabama trail court confirmed the franchise tax to be discriminatory, but dismissed their claims citing the precedent of the Reynolds case. The U.S. Supreme Court found the state’s franchise taxes against foreign firms to be discriminatory. Further, the U.S. Supreme Court concluded Alabama failed to justify its lack of tax negotiating ability for foreign firms when compared to the burdens placed upon domestic fi rms. Restrictions on freedom of speech On the 200th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights (December 15, 1991), the American Bar Association conducted poll. A mere 33% of those polled successfully identified the bill of rights. (The New York Times) A decade later, sparring senatorial candidates flubbed the identification of elements comprising the First Amendment. (Johnson) In light of these egregious cognitive failings, the common American can identify with the concept of â€Å"Freedom of Speech.† However, these same failings in common constitutional education make it clear that few are aware of the existence of exceptions to freedom of speech. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states in part that â€Å"Congress shall make no law †¦ abridging the freedom of speech†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Contrary to popular belief, this does not provide the right for the individual American to say what he/she wants, when he/she wants, how he/she wants to. While freedom of speech exists, it is provided to the people with restrictions, conditions, and exemptions. The exemption of obscenity is unique in that the Supreme Court has denied First Amendment protections to obscenity without regard to whether it is, or is not harmful to others. It has been determined by the Supreme Court that obscenity â€Å"was outside the protection intended for speech† when the First Amendment was adopted. (ROTH v. UNITED STATES, 354 U.S. 476 (1957) ) This ruling has essentially banned obscenity in the interest of social order and morality. It is important to note that obscenity and pornography are not one in the same. As most pornography is not legally obscene, pornography enjoys First Amendment protections due to the fact it does not have to pass all elements of the Miller Test. (Miller v. California, 413 U.S. 15, 27 (1973)). One could argue that the Supreme Court has set some very profound precedents in the restrictions of freedom of speech, but the restriction s of speech are far more impacting long before the Supreme or any other court hears the case. The Supreme Court has made it clear employees of the government have the right to free speech when addressing matters of public concern. The Supreme Court has also determined it constitutional for the state to both suspend without pay and terminate employees under the guise of efficiency of service when the employee is making false statements against others in government. Many government

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Grapes of Wrath Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Grapes of Wrath - Essay Example The film and the book reveal the plight of individuals who are earnestly working to ease suffering alongside other circumstances that are purely not of their making. With no suggestions being offered either in the book or film, Ma Joad announces that the solution to unemployment will be the duty of the people. To this note, the movie ends with a lot of optimism that someday somewhere, there will be a reprieve. (Finn, 2) The film portrays two main themes. In the entire movie, maturity is clearly shown; this is the concept that life’s process requires a rebirth of the mind. Amidst the difficulties that people encounter, one is not to give up, you need to renew your strength and carry on with the struggle because sometimes, a good day comes and things become different and better. Peoples past experiences have revealed that whenever puts on a new face in the midst of trouble, your efforts never fade until finally showers of hope come along. The theme of maturity is revealed in many experiences that the family until, at its end, the film provides an optimism that things will get better. Secondly, the theme of mistreatment comes out clearly in the theme; residents are made to encounter hardships in the hands of the mighty people. Views in the ‘Okie’ Californian camps expose conditions where people are greatly deprived of life’s necessities. The state troops and the local police push about the people and the visitors that are unwelcomed in a foreign land. The whole movie brings to us a story that has merciless treatments. It is only in one spot where the visitors find solace; the governments agricultural camp in the northern California. This is a highly captivating narrative, very natural and pure. It’s a classical novel, about a poor family which is made to travel to look for a greener pastures a place of comfort, where they can live in peace and afford a decent life. The family sets to California where

Monday, September 23, 2019

Principles and Practice of Social Work - Theoretical Assignment Essay

Principles and Practice of Social Work - Theoretical Assignment - Essay Example On one hand, an individual’s activities have an effect on other people that interact with him or her, and in turn, the actions of others affect him; the total effect of their actions is evident in the society. On the other hand, society affects the individuals in it, expecting them to do according to its demands. By so doing, society ensures its survival by making its various components live together in harmony, and individuals build their society by interacting with each other constructively (Berberoglu 2005; Baert and Silva 2010). The role of a social worker is to use social work values, principles, and methods for counselling, helping a society or a community help itself or individuals in it; acting as the agent that maintains balance in society. For instance, a social worker would be involved in the provision and improvement of social, health, and legislative services. The principles of social work include, acceptance, affirming individuality, purposeful expression of feelings, non-judgementalism, objectivity, controlled emotional involvement, self-determination, and confidentiality. According to Ritzer and Goodman (2004), social work is the art and science of identifying conflicts in society analysing them, and using the various available theories on society to come up with possible solutions. However, the work of a social worker does not end at identifying and recommending solutions, it extends using the recommendations to solve the conflict at hand practically. Therefore, a social worker is an essential component of a society that acts as a bridge between the needs of an individual and those of the society, by ensuring that individual do not suffer in silence due to the pressure of society expectations. The aim of this essay is to identify two social work theories, relate them to social work principles and relate them to domestic violence, in addition to discussing power imbalances, between the social worker and his or

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Investigating Rates of Reactions Essay Example for Free

Investigating Rates of Reactions Essay Investigate which factors out of temperature, surface area and concentration speed up the reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid the most. Chemical reaction: Mg (s)+ 2HCI (aq)== MgCI2 (aq)+H2 (g) Prediction: I think the most effective factor to speed up the rate of reaction will be temperature, I say this because when the molecules are at a higher temperature they will have greater kinetics energy and move more rapidly, so they will collide more frequently and most importantly with greater energy. Then surface area will be second greatest effect, increasing the surface area of the solid increases the number of collisions between solid and particles in solutions. If we take into consideration a cube with each side 1cm long it has a total surface area of 6cm2, halve each of the cubes so that there are eight cubes each with 0. 5cm long sides and the total surface area has doubled to 12cm, now halve the size of these smaller cubes. Surface area of 1 cube, sides 1cm= 6 sides x (1cm x1cm) = 6cm2 Surface area of 8 cubes sides 0. 5cm= 8 sides x 6 sides x (0. 5 x 0. 5)=12cm2 Surface area of 64 cubes, sides 0. 25cm= 64 cubes x 6 sides x (0. 25 x 0. 25)= 24cm2 Having the average size of the particles in a given quantity of solid, doubles the surface area. So making a solid reactant in a lump form into powder considerably increases the surface area. Concentration will be the third greatest factor, which will speed up the rate of reaction. Any increase in concentration should also increase the rate of reaction; if there are more molecules present there will be more collisions. Increasing the number of collisions does not always increase the rate of reaction. What matters is the numbers of effective, effective collisions have to involve the relevant molecules, in the correct orientation, with energy at the least equal to the activation level. Equipment   Conical flask   Hydrochloric acid of 4 different molars (0. 1, 0. 5, 1, 2) Stop clock Basin of water   Bung with the tube   Magnesium   Measuring tube   Top pan balance Plan: Concentration Four different concentrations will be used. (0. 1, 0. 5, 1, 2) firstly I will use the 0.1 molar of hydrochloric, 6cm of magnesium in conjunction with the 15 ml of hydrochloric acid. When the bung is put into the conical flask the amount of gas given off can be read. I will leave the magnesium and the acid for 1 minute and I will check how much gas is given off every 10 seconds and I will record it. This will be done for all the other ranges of concentrations. Temperature I will be using 4 different temperatures (fridge 12oC, room 24oC, 50oC, 60oC). The high temperature acids will be placed in a water of their designated temperature. The other acids will be placed in their obvious places. The acid will be put in the conical flask with 6 cm of magnesium then the gas given off will be read and recorded as done previously for the concentration. Surface Area For surface I will be using 5 different lengths of magnesium ribbon, (6, 5, 2, 1, 0. 5cm) I will also be using 0. 06g of magnesium powder. Each measurement of magnesium will be used in conjunction with 15ml of hydrochloric acid. When both elements are put into the conical flask the gas given off will be read and record in the same fashion as the other tests. For each test I will do it twice to make sure my results are realiable. Fair test To ensure that I carry out a fair test I will make sure I will use the same amount of magnesium apart from when I am testing that particular variable. Also I will also use the same amount of hydrochloric acid, also I will use the same concentration apart from when Im testing that variable. I will also time each test for the same amount of time. Safety   Safety goggles worn at all times.   Precautions taken when dealing with acids.   Follow all the rules of the lab so that I can work efficiently alongside others when they are doing their experiments. Results  Concentration 2nd set of results Temperature  Fridge 4 Conclusion From doing this investigation I have successfully achieved my aim, my aim was to investigate the factors, which affect the rate of reaction. My prediction was also correct. For concentration the gas given off for o. 1 molar of hydrochloric acid was much less that what was given off for 2 molar. When powder was used for surface area ample amounts of gas was given off where as when 6cm was used not much was given off. When the acid was at a higher temperature more gas was given off, this hypothesis wasnt backed up with the results from the first test, which is why it was good that I repeated all the tests. Evaluation On a whole I thought I worked quite well, but the investigation could have been conducted in a better fashion. The particular method we used to collect the gas wasnt that effective. If a gas syringe in conjunction with a clamp stand was used our results would have been much better. I think doing the investigation twice was a good decision because doing this made it manifest that the first set of results werent as reliable, this is because when the first set of results were compared to the 2nd set of results they were quite different especially room temperature and 50oC. In the experiment the amount of gas given off for those specific temperatures were lower than the second experiment. Scientific knowledge proves that when the temperature is raised the rate of reaction will be faster. Also another thing I could of done was to do all experiments in the method we did to collect gas and also kept everything the same but the variable to change could have been the method in which we collect the gas. By doing this I could of seen which method to collect the gas would have been most effective. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Patterns of Behaviour section.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Organizational Structure Of The Multinational Companies

Organizational Structure Of The Multinational Companies To create an effective organizational structure is one of the most important tasks for top managers of any company. If everyone in a company is and knows his duties, if there are rules of interaction between departments, companys activities will remind a tuned mechanism which works with maximum results and minimal costs. Organizational structure is a scheme consisting of units and individual officers of the company, located by levels of importance and responsibility, which contains the relationship between them and the chain of command. Depending on the stage of company development (formation, development, stabilization, crisis) require different approaches to build the organizational structure. It is particularly important to control the situation in transition from one stage to another and at the stage of active growth and development of the company. A competently built organizational structure makes it possible to optimize the strength and number of units, to simplify the interaction between units, to distribute evenly the pressure on staff to avoid duplication of functions and their, to eliminate double and triple subordination, to delimit the scope of leaders, define their powers and area of responsibility, increase productivity. Organizational structure is the basis for building an effective system of governance. Large multinational corporations require an organizational structure that can house the usual business functions finance, marketing, RD, production, etc. as well as those functions required for being successful beyond the domestic market. The most appropriate organizational structure will be determined by the overall global strategy of the firm, the relative size of international operations as compared to domestic operations, and the characteristics of the marketplace in which the firm competes. The four basic organizational structures are: International Division, Global Area, Global Product Division and Matrix. By the end of the 20-ies it became clear the need for new approaches to governance, and that happened because of the sharp size increase of enterprises, the diversification of their activities (multidisciplinary), and the complication of processes in a dynamically changing environment. In this connection began to emerge the international divisional structure, especially in large corporations who have to provide some autonomy to its production units, leaving for leadership the strategy development, scientific research, financial and investment policies, etc. In this type of structures is attempted to combine the centralized coordination and the control of decentralized administration activity. One of the leading companies in soft drinks industry, witch is also a multinational company, is The Coca-Cola Company and their organizational structure is an International Division one. International Division Structure represents a more evolved form of organizational system because of the incorporation of specialized division for acting on foreign markets, and that way it is no limit to export. We can observe that they are more concerned about conducting business in other countries. The key management figures in an organization with divisional structure are no longer the heads of functional units, but the managers leading the production department (division). The organization by division, as a rule, is based on one of the criteria: production (product or service) product specialization; by targeting specific groups of consumers consumer specialization of serviced territory a regional specialty. Some main features of this type of structure are: typically set up when firms initially expand abroad, often when engaging in a home replication strategy; foreign subsidiary managers in the international division are not given sufficient voice relative to the heads of domestic divisions; the silo effect: International division activities are not coordinated with the rest of the firm, which focuses on domestic activities; Firms often phase out this structure after their initial overseas expansion. The main advantages of International Division Structure are: it manages a diversified enterprise with a total staff of hundreds of thousands and geographically remote units; it provides greater flexibility and quicker response to changes on the environment of enterprise. expanding the companies borders, separate offices become profit centers actively working on improving the efficiency and quality of production; and closer connection between production and consumers. The disadvantages of divisional structure are: a large number of levels managing by vertically, between workers and the managers of production units 3 or more levels; between workers and company management 5 or more; a large distance between the office staff structure from the headquarters of the company; the key relationships are vertically, and therefore are common problems for hierarchical structures delays, congestion managers, poor cooperation in addressing issues related to the units, etc.; the duplication of functions at different levels and as a result very high cost of maintaining the management structure; and offices tend to remain linear management structure, with all their shortcomings. In conclusion the dignity of divisional structures outweigh their shortcomings only in periods of fairly stable existence, with an unstable environment, they risk repeating the fate of the dinosaurs. With this structure they may embody most of the ideas of the contemporary quality philosophy. Another example of multinational company structure is the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company. That company supports a global strategy in treating each product division as a stand-alone entity with full worldwide- as opposed to domestic responsibilities for its activities and is called the Global Product Division Structure. It facilities the global planning and strategy for the product, but is much less responsive for the local to local conditions and differences in consumer behavior and tastes. The main advantages of this type of structure are: the single chain of communication for information about product and technology for divisions on each level; related production and marketing resources are entirely devoted to products offered by each division, thus determine excellent production and selling results, for each local market; and the possibility for each division to develop independently of international economic activities. The disadvantages of Global Product Division Structure are: local autonomy are is very limited and the local subsidiaries are treated as cost centers as opposed to profit centers; and communication and coordination difficulties between divisions, that can cause loss of opportunities of cooperation on the foreign market. In conclusion an effective organizational structure shall facilitate working relationships between various entities in the organization and may improve the working efficiency within the organizational units. Organization shall retain a set order and control to enable monitoring the processes. Organization shall support command for coping with a mix of orders and a change of conditions while performing work. Organization shall allow for application of individual skills to enable high flexibility and apply creativity. When a business expands, the chain of command will lengthen and the spans of control will widen. When an organization comes to age, the flexibility will decrease and the creativity will fatigue. Therefore organizational structures shall be altered from time to time to enable recovery. If such alteration is prevented internally, the final escape is to turn down the organization to prepare for a re-launch in an entirely new set up. Incoming search terms for the article: organizational hierarchy of 4 MNCs organisational structures for multinational strategies organizational chart for corporations coca cola organizational structure company structure example coca-cola connection between sales and marketing and production Describe organizational hierarchy of 4 MNCs international division structure vs global area division a small company structure working coca cola careers organisational structure Related post Management Styles for Success Organizational Psychology in Human Resource Management Build an Online Business The Importance Of Archive Storage Tags: communication, company development, departments, domestic market, multinational companies, organization, organizational structure, SHARE THIS POST! This entry was posted by admin on November 14, 2010 at 08:43, and is filled under Organizational. Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site. Articles related Organizational Structure of the Multinational Companies on another sites: Organizational Structure of the Multinational Companies PARTNER MESSAGE CorporateCreditConcepts.com is the great company featuring establish corporate credit for business owner. KEYWORDS MNC Organisation Structures, improve organisational performance coca-cola, advertising strategy Coca Cola, the communication system of a multi -national business in order to enhance its efficiency, how a multinational company selects an organizational structure, sample small organisation structure chart, different sales management styles, relevance of organisational structures in mncs, Structure of Export marketing Organisation, what is the most imporant resource within an organisation, Which of the following HR tasks is typically associated with a multinational corporation (MNC), why training is important in international human resources management?, mulit-national company organization structure chart, the division based on hrm process, HR processes organizational structures products strategy brand

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Free Blacks in the Seventeenth Century Essay -- essays papers

Free Blacks in the Seventeenth Century In the early sixteen-hundreds there were nearly equal opportunities for blacks and whites in the New World, most specifically in Virginia. One African-American man in particular exemplifies this fact. Anthony Johnson escalated in society from being a slave1 to becoming a wealthy landowner with slaves of his own.2 The successes of this man both economically and socially provide a rather important window into the lives and opinions of the peoples in Virginia at the time, especially the black community and their treatment by their fellow white agriculturalists. â€Å"Antonio a Negro† arrived in Virginia in 1621 as a servant on a tobacco plantation, it was during his servitude that he met his wife Mary who had been bought to work at the same location several years after Anthony. Although it still remains a mystery how Anthony and Mary accumulated their wealth, they managed to buy their way out of servitude and acquire land of there own.3 They were not alone in this endeavor, however; it is known that several free blacks were able to advance in society in similar fashion. In the years between the mid 17th century into the later part of the century blacks were able to acquire land and status in the Virginian society. This proves that racial prejudices were subtle in this time span. In a society of even minimal equality in race it is possible for blacks to succeed alongside the white community. In the 18th century the lifestyle... Free Blacks in the Seventeenth Century Essay -- essays papers Free Blacks in the Seventeenth Century In the early sixteen-hundreds there were nearly equal opportunities for blacks and whites in the New World, most specifically in Virginia. One African-American man in particular exemplifies this fact. Anthony Johnson escalated in society from being a slave1 to becoming a wealthy landowner with slaves of his own.2 The successes of this man both economically and socially provide a rather important window into the lives and opinions of the peoples in Virginia at the time, especially the black community and their treatment by their fellow white agriculturalists. â€Å"Antonio a Negro† arrived in Virginia in 1621 as a servant on a tobacco plantation, it was during his servitude that he met his wife Mary who had been bought to work at the same location several years after Anthony. Although it still remains a mystery how Anthony and Mary accumulated their wealth, they managed to buy their way out of servitude and acquire land of there own.3 They were not alone in this endeavor, however; it is known that several free blacks were able to advance in society in similar fashion. In the years between the mid 17th century into the later part of the century blacks were able to acquire land and status in the Virginian society. This proves that racial prejudices were subtle in this time span. In a society of even minimal equality in race it is possible for blacks to succeed alongside the white community. In the 18th century the lifestyle...

The Marxist Ideal Cannot Work Essay -- essays research papers

The Marxist ideal, a highly appealing, almost Utopian society, is impossible to achieve due to the fact that it demands that the human mind be almost without flaws. It asks of society and its members to be absolutely without ranks, without greed or leadership. This has been clearly impossible for society. Each step to achieving a communist establishment has been, continues to be, and will be, in actuality, a step towards the totalitarian societies of past and current so-called communist countries. Communism became popular solely in under-developed countries, contrary to Marx's beliefs as to what should happen, and its rise in these countries was the beginning of its fall. Marx believed that the only way to overthrow capitalism was to create a revolution of the proletariat and in essence this revolution carries the cause even farther away from true communism. Equality is the next issue that Marx tackled, and in the communist ideal, it is absolutely crucial. In the real world of distorted ideologies, it hovers in the background. The ultimate in communist ideologies, however, is that eventually there will be no need for government. This essay will illustrate how, as communist societies in the real world progress, nothing could be further from the truth. Currently, communism, as exercised in the few Communist countries left in the world, is far from the Marxist ideal. From its beginnings to the present day and into the future, communism has become distorted into something that would be Marx's worst nightmare. Due to "quirks" in the human mind that just can't seem to be worked out, the Marxist ideal simply cannot work. Marx's prediction was that communism would prevail in the highly industrialized countries of Western Europe. Instead, it took place in Russia, a country troubled by its corrupt head of state. By definition a Communist revolt demanded an industrialized country as its focus, where a militant and organized proletariat had had a chance to develop. The revolution of 1917, however, exploded in Czarist Russia, one of the most backward countries in Europe.i Russia in the early 20th century was mainly agricultural, rather than industrial, but through their exasperation and strong leadership, the Communists prevailed. The head of stat... ...the ideal. However, Marx underestimated the way in which the human mind works. Without a doubt, the flaws in the minds of the leaders of the communist states that have existed, and continue to exist, have ensured that this ideal will never be realized. From the very beginnings of a communist state's existence, to the revolution that brings it about, to the equality that it lacks, and the impossibility of the ultimate ideal, Marx's vision is being distorted the whole way through the process. In theory, communism is a good idea. However, it fails to anticipate the flaws of the human mind. It is a good idea that doesn't work out well in practice. i Ellis, Harry B. (1972). Ideals and Ideologies: Communism, Socialism, and Capitalism. Nelson, Foster and Scott Ltd. Pg. 31 ii Marx, Karl and Engels, Friedrich. (1964). The Communist Manifesto. Monthly Review Press. Pg. 25. iii Ellis, Harry B. (1972). Ideals and Ideologies: Communism, Socialism, and Capitalism. Nelson, Foster and Scott Ltd. Pg. 31 iv Ellis, Harry B. (1972). Ideals and Ideologies: Communism, Socialism, and Capitalism. Nelson, Foster and Scott Ltd. Pg. 36

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

The Awakening, written by Kate Chopin, tells the story of one woman’s path to finding self-discovery. Edna Pontellier, the lady, who transforms herself from an obedient housewife to a person who is alive with strength of character and emotions which she no longer has to repress. How an individual’s true nature could conflict with societal expectations is revealed. It deals with the day-to-day realities that a woman may face if she chooses to pursue her own needs and desires that do not fit with what society expects. To remain true to one’s conviction a woman must have relentless strength and courage. This metamorphosis is shaped by her surroundings. Just as her behavior is more shocking and horrifying because of her position in society, it is that very position which causes her to feel restrained and makes her yearn to rebel. Yet, this story shows how the good and bad that comes along with choosing to live outside of society norms. Another point that Chopin make s is how devalued a husband can make a wife feel. This treatment could lead to a woman finding and pursuing different desires that she would not have otherwise pursued. In The Awakening, Kate Chopin’s main character, Edna Pontellier is â€Å"awakened† to a desire to live a life free of the accountability of her existing life as a wife, mother, and a homemaker in order to be the independent woman that realizes she wants to be. She awakens first to a discontentment in her life, then to a mental awakening, to the passion of music and art, to the pleasure of her own body, and finally, to boundaries that she no longer wishes uphold. For Edna that was a life of solitude, which was unbearable for her to accept. Chopin reveals how a person can gradually become affected by her enviro... ...lfill her newly awakened self. Edna finds suicide as the only option to pursue when she see that living in her world is purposeless and maintain her newfound identity is impossible. Within Edna was the desire that is within nearly every human being, the desire to be born free, to have live their own life, to, quite simply, embrace the value of independence. Edna drowning herself and not killing herself, draws a symbolism of the water as a representation of realizing freedom. Her suicide was meant to be a demonstration of her finally realizing that she couldn’t controlled by societal roles and expectations. Also, the symbolism of the bird offers a slightly different alternative; as a bird with a broken wing, Edna is a victim of fate and her society. Edna’s wings are not strong enough to overcome gravity; she weighted down by the forces that society imposes on her.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Dixie Chicks Among Esteemed Outlaws Essay

â€Å"Dixie Chicks Among Esteemed Outlaws,† by Ashley Sayeau is about the ordeals the Dixie Chicks endured particularly among the Nashville music establishment because of a statement made by lead singer Natalie Maines on the eveof the Iraq war. The author argues the the Dixie Chicks are just one of many artist who have been snubbed by the Country Music Association. To make her point the author compares the controversial lyrics of the Chicks to other â€Å"esteemed outlaws† in the genres history. Johnny Cash one of many vocal critics who was not ostracized because of his beliefs on war, or to his lyrics of â€Å"Men In Black.† Willie Nelson is another artist who was not personalized for his controversial beliefs or lyrics. One of our rights as American Citizens entitles us to â€Å"freedom of speech.† Therefore we should not be condemned for our beliefs. Male artist are not the only one before the Dixie Chicks to speak out on decisions made by the government. As the author points out women artist in the extended history of Country music have been vocalizing their beliefs and opinion that sometimes contradict their record labels and conservative fan base.Loreatta Lynn for example was a pretty controversialwomen’s advocate. She wrote her most memorable lyrics in the song â€Å"Dear Uncle Sam,† which was a early anti-Vietnam protest song. The Country Music Association acts in a cowardly and antithetical way when confronted with its â€Å"outlaws.† My personal beliefs os that of the authors. It is a atrocity on the Country Music Association to ostracize the Dixie Chicksconsidering how antipodal it is to the genre’s history.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Merck Ethics Essay

In developing a drug to combat river blindness, pharmaceutical company Merck discovered an opportunity to treat millions of affected peoples around the world that probably would never see commercial use. The drug in development, ivermectin, was unaffordable to the primary victims of river blindness, Third World peoples. Thus, Dr. Vagelos, the head of research at the time, treaded upon a ethical quagmire; he could either choose to scrap the drug and its further research or he could spend millions more on a drug destined for financial failure. In accordance with Merck’s company direction at the time, Dr. Vagelos understood that the purpose of the company was to serve people and that profits result from the fulfillment of this primary purpose. As such, Dr. Vagelos not only pushed for further research on the drug, but decided when he became CEO to offer the drug, now Mectizan, for free to all affected individuals. Dr. Vagelos decision fulfills all four of Fleming’s principles of ethics. In general, his decision reflects Fleming’s definition of ethics, which is a â€Å"standpoint from which all persons have a special dignity or worth.† The choice to make the drug available for free is utilitarian, as the number of affected individuals worldwide greatly outweigh the number of negatively impacted stockholders. In doing so, Dr. Vagelos choice also illustrates his belief that people are entitled to the right of humane treatment by others. Similarly, his choice reveals every person’s obligation to protect and ensure these rights. Dr. Vagelos decision is also just and fair, in that all members of a group (in this case, the human race) are to be treated with equal benefits.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


Spiegel Online Economics Edgar Atukeren MBA SBS (Swiss Business School) Alex Rau, Daria Revanchenkova, Arsa Grgurevic Table of Content: 1 Background 2 Assignment 3 Interactive Classified Advertising in Germany 4 Choosing the right segments 5 Business Idea and Concept 6 Competition 7 Financial Projections 8 The Problem 9 Possible Solutions 10 Conclusion 11 Recommendations and Lesson Learned Background Spiegel Online is one of the leading news Web sites in Germany and other German speaking countries, as Austria and Switzerland.It is a part of a Spiegel Group, publisher of several print products in addition to Der Spiegel and producer of the Spiegel TV Magazine. The Spiegel Group was also active in television film production. It took first steps toward internationalization by English-language editions of Spiegel special and the monthly publication of magazines in Hungary and Poland. In 2005 the Spiegel Group had more than 1,400 employees. Total revenues of the Spiegel Group were approxi mately around 322 million euro, of which Spiegel Online contributed 15 million euro. 0% of revenues resulted from online advertising, making this the most important source of income for Spiegel Online. The webpage is covering various topics as politics, business, panorama, arts, science, education, entertainment, sports, and travel. Spiegel is also a major contributor to the Hamburg Media School. It organized as a public-private partnership and offers MBA in Media Management, film, and journalism. In their second year, MBA students typically engaged in consulting projects with major media companies. Assignment This year the students must research on 2 questions: ) Were there any chances for an economically successful entry into the market for interactive classifieds? 2) What would the business model look like in detail? They had only 2 restrictions: anything in the adult segment was seen as inappropriate and the budget will be limited. The student team split their analysis into four steps: * Research of market volume and growth * Analyses of possible competitors * Selection of lucrative niches * Development of adequate concepts Interactive Classified Advertising in Germany The interactive advertising in Germany is based on offering space for classified ads for other companies.There are approximately 20,500 Web sites, which are doing that and they generate around 4 percent of all online revenues. Online services had gradually replaced newspapers and magazines in the classifieds segment. There are 3 most important interactive segments nowadays: * Automotive (which cover 1/3 of all customers looking for a car) * Real estate (200 billion euro are generated per year) * Job advertisement (30% of jobs are found online) Choosing the right segments Spiegel Online is following a brand new strategy: horizontal integration into a new market (interactive ads). The company decided to expand and cover new arket, which can generate additional revenue for the company. As autom otive, real estate, and jobs interactive segments are already dominated by large competitors, Spiegel Online needs to interfere in the industry, by carefully choosing the segments, which are the most profitable ones. So it decided to concentrate on high quality standards and products that matched the image of Spiegel and chose high-quality cars, high- paying jobs and art objects. Spiegel Online Art Platform The team prepared a full business plan on each of the three market segments. The automotive and job segments seemed to be generally profitable and growing.Art, on the other hand, promised to be an interesting niche that had not yet been covered by any well-known company. Competition Most Web sites were positioned in the upper price segment. Serve as a marketing and sales tool for high-value objects. In the lower price segment, Web sites are mostly created by amateurs and hobby artists. These Web sites did not attract large audiences. The online art market had received some attent ion from investors and media companies (Example Burda-photo gallery Lumas). Opportunity for Spiegel online is to create platform in the middle and lower price segment.Business Idea and Concept The concept consisted of two integrated parts for the Spiegel online users interested in the arts: a selling platform and a community platform. Art platform Core to the Spiegel Online art platform was the sales platform. The sales platform homepage would lead to all art objects up for sale. A search engine would allow sorting objects by price, style, size, artist†¦ Navigation menu would allow quick access to additional site functions. The home page would also include a voting area. Community The Virtual Art Gallery could be customized, like MySpace. Users can create their own profiles.The profile included a virtual walk-through to gallery. Artist and galleries could use the Virtual Art Gallery as a marketing tool. Target group The Spiegel Online art platform addressed two target groups: f irst, people interested in art, and second, artist and galleries. Consumer benefits For buyers: low-risk playing field, moderate prices, high transparency, users don’t need specialized knowledge. For sellers: Low entry barriers, low sellers fees, attractive for young unknown artists. Benefits for Spiegel online Monetary: New revenues by commissions, insertion fees, and shop sales. Non-monetary: Parent brand, high-quality image.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Stefan’s Diaries: The Craving Chapter 5

At the close of breakfast, maids whisked away the Dutch china and jam, and Winfield retreated to his study, leaving me with the Sutherland women in the sunlit parlor. Bridget, Lydia, and Mrs. Sutherland had installed themselves on the brocade couch, while I perched at the edge of a green velvet chaise, pretending to gaze at an oil portrait of the family when in truth I was calculating the best way to make my escape. My last, paltry feeding seemed a distant memory, and the sweet symphony of beating hearts in this grand mansion was becoming difficult to resist. During the meal, I'd tried several times to free myself from the Sutherlands' presence, with the aim of slipping out a window or escaping through the servants' quarters. But as though my intentions were written plainly across my forehead, I was unable to shake my company for even two minutes. When I'd excused myself to the facility, the butler had insisted upon escorting me. When I mentioned I'd enjoy lying down in my room, Mrs. Sutherland had pointed out that the couch in the parlor was the perfect place for a repose. I knew that they were grateful to me for returning Bridget to them, but I couldn't explain their acceptance of me into their home. Especially given the state I was in when I first entered it: dirty, torn clothes, disheveled, and bloody. â€Å"Mr. Stefan,† Margaret said, leaning against the column that separated the parlor from the foyer. â€Å"Are you entirely all right?† â€Å"Fine, fine,† I said. â€Å"Why do you ask?† â€Å"You're shaking your leg so hard you're rattling the chair.† I pressed my hand to my knee to steady my leg. â€Å"I usually start my morning with a walk,† I lied, pushing myself to standing. â€Å"In fact, if I may excuse myself, I think I'll take a stroll around the park.† Margaret raised a perfectly arched brow. â€Å"You certainly seem to spend a lot of time in the park.† â€Å"I consider it my second home,† I said with a wry smile, picturing my cave with its cadre of statues. â€Å"I've always found nature comforting.† â€Å"What a lovely idea!† Mrs. Sutherland said, clasping her hands together. â€Å"Would you mind if we joined you? It's a beautiful day, and we could all use some fresh air.† â€Å"Mama, I think it would be best if I rested instead,† Bridget said, putting a hand to her very healthy-looking brow. â€Å"You mean, stay in and receive visitors all day so you can tell them about your adventures,† Margaret said, shaking her head. â€Å"I'm afraid I shall have to beg off, too, Mother. I've things to attend to at home, now that it appears my sister is fine – and my husband misses me.† â€Å"I can't imagine why,† Bridget muttered uncharitably. Lydia shot her youngest sister a look and lightly slapped her arm. Mrs. Sutherland ignored the sisterly sniping, shaking out a light cloak and wrapping it around her shoulders. â€Å"Come with us, Mr. Salvatore. We shall make a fine party of three.† Resisting the urge to shout in frustration – what would it take to leave this family's clutches? – I forced a smile on my face and held out my arm to Mrs. Sutherland. The second we stepped outside the massive front door, the sun assaulted my eyes. It was a bright, lemony yellow and the sky a perfect blue. For early November up north, it was a remarkably mild day. If not for the sun's low angle in relation to the earth, it would have been easy to mistake it for a brisk spring morning. We headed south, then crossed at Sixty-sixth Street and walked through the wrought iron gates of the park. Despite the events of the night before, neither Lydia nor Mrs. Sutherland showed any hesitation or fear. I suppose they felt safe enough in my presence. I took a deep breath of the morning air, which seemed so clear and pure after the events of the previous night. It was as though, with the rising sun, the entire world had been washed clean. Seed heads bobbed at the ends of long grasses and flowers opened toward the sky, taking in the last bright sun of the year. The droplets of dew had already dispersed from the previous night. We were not the only ones out to enjoy the day. The park was packed with families and strolling couples. I was struck once again with how different the North was. Yankee women wore bright colors, such as we hadn't seen in the South for years – scarlets, brilliant yellows, bold, sky blues in silk and velvet and expensive cloths like European lace, delicate stockings, tiny leather boots. Even nature here was different. Northern trees were round, quaint, elliptical maples where our lush oaks spread out, soaking up the sun to the farthest tips of their branches. The pines were spiky and blue, not the tall, soft, grand ones the soft Southern breeze whispers around. Mrs. Sutherland and Lydia prattled on about the weather, but they had lost my attention, for at that moment a squirrel crossed our path. A sudden darkness overcame me, as if one of the few clouds in the sky had momentarily passed in front of the sun. My predator instincts awoke. There was nothing delectable about its beady eyes or bushy tail, but in a flash I could taste it – the blood of yesterday. It invaded my nostrils and tickled my throat with desire. â€Å"Please excuse me – I – I believe I see someone I know.† I made my trivial excuse as I dashed off, promising to return in a moment, though I had no intention of doing so. I could feel Lydia and Mrs. Sutherland's eyes follow me curiously as I disappeared behind a thicket of bushes. There sat my prey, as innocent as Bridget had likely looked to her attacker last night. It eyed me as I approached, but did not make a move. In a flash I was upon it, and it was over even more quickly. As I felt the blood seep into me – a paltry feeding, but a feeding nonetheless – I leaned against the tree trunk, awash in exhausted relief. It had not been apparent until just now how edgy I had been, every moment afraid of my own hunger. Afraid of the stirrings inside of me, and how they might control me at any instant. My relief was so great that I didn't even hear Lydia approach, ruining my chance of escape. â€Å"Stefan?† she said, looking around, no doubt curious to meet the person I had run off to greet. â€Å"It turns out that I was mistaken after all,† I mumbled, reluctantly rejoining Lydia and her mother on the path. They fell back into polite conversation, while I kicked along silently next to them, berating myself for my slowed reflexes. What was wrong with me? I was a vampire. Removing myself from the Sutherlands' presence should have been no hard task, even in my weakened state. An unpleasant thought rattled at the back of my mind, an alternate explanation, that I was still with this family because I wanted to be. â€Å"Mr. Salvatore, you're awfully quiet,† Mrs. Sutherland observed. I stole a glance at Lydia, who gave me a smile, clearly acknowledging that her mother did not deal in subtlety. â€Å"Forgive me. It's been a while since I've been in the midst of people,† I admitted as we turned on to the bridle path. Mrs. Sutherland squeezed my hand. If she noticed its icy pallor, she must have taken it for a chill. â€Å"Since you lost your father?† she asked gently. I nodded. That explanation was easier than the truth. â€Å"I lost a brother in the battle with Mexico,† Mrs. Sutherland confided, as we passed a little girl and her father walking a long-haired dachshund. â€Å"We were the closest of nine brothers and sisters. Despite our numbers, none of my siblings could ever replace him in my heart.† â€Å"Uncle Isaiah,† Lydia murmured. â€Å"I barely remember him. But he was always kind.† â€Å"I'm sorry to hear that. I did not mean to turn this outing into a sad affair,† I apologized. â€Å"Remembering and mourning needn't always be sad,† Mrs. Sutherland pointed out. â€Å"It is simply . . . what it is. Keeping their lives present in our own.† Her words cast a true light through all the confusing thoughts that had been clouding my mind of late: how to remain in touch with my human side even as I embraced becoming a vampire, how to not lose my soul. Keeping the past present was paramount. Just as my memory of Callie kept me from attacking Bridget, my connection to my family, to the life that had once been mine, would help me keep my humanity. Though she didn't resemble my own mother at all, for one instant, with the sunlight shining down through her cap and illuminating her graying hair, her sharp blue eyes softened with feeling, I suddenly felt she could be my mother. That, were the circumstances different, I could be happy in her home. Oh, how I missed my mother. While my deep grief for her had abated in the years since she had died, there was a dull ache that was never absent from my heart. How much of the tragedy that engulfed our lives could have been avoided if she were still alive? I missed my father, too. Up until the moment I killed him, I respected and loved him. I had wanted to follow in his footsteps, to take on the family estate, to please him as much as possible. My deepest wish had been that he could respect and love me back. I even missed my brother, or rather who he used to be. Though he vowed to get revenge on me for turning him into a vampire, in life he had been my truest companion in the world, my playful competitor and my closest confidant. I wondered where Damon was right now, and what harm he might be doing. I couldn't judge his bad behavior – I'd had my share of bloodlust after I had turned. I only hoped his humanity would return to him as mine had. â€Å"You are a wise woman, Mrs. Sutherland,† I said, returning the squeeze of her hand. She smiled at me. â€Å"You're a remarkable young man,† Mrs. Sutherland noted. â€Å"If I was your mother, I should be very proud of you. Of course, I have no sons, and only one son-in-law. . . .† She sniffed. â€Å"But, Mother, Margaret and I are each very accomplished, in our own way,† Lydia said, ignoring the pointed remark about son-in-laws. â€Å"She does the books for Wally. And I am helping to form that charity for mothers who lack a stable income.† Mrs. Sutherland cast a private smile at me, and in that moment I dared to hope. Perhaps it was possible to stay here, to become part of this family. It would be a dangerous game, but perhaps I could master it. I could keep my hunger under control and take daily walks with Lydia and Mrs. Sutherland, accompanying them home for a cup of tea or a lively debate about the war with Winfield. Lydia continued on, making her case for her own independence, her mother sighing despite her apparent pride. The sun grew warmer as we made our way west, choosing paths at random until we came upon a familiar foot trail in the middle of the park that led straight to Seneca Village. My home. Perhaps it was my sudden distraction that caused Mrs. Sutherland to look at me so closely. â€Å"Mr. Salvatore,† she said, half-concerned, half-afraid. â€Å"You have a . . . spot . . . upon your collar.† Despite the laws of decorum, Lydia reached for it then, brushing a finger gently near my neck. I shuddered in excitement and fear at her closeness. When she withdrew her pointer finger, it wore a speck of blood. I grew ashen. For this was the fact of my life. Despite the pains I took to control myself, the exhaustive efforts at constant secrecy, one speck of blood was all it took to upset the balance. They would see me for who I was: a liar, a murderer, a monster. The tinkling of Lydia's laughter broke the silence. â€Å"Just a bit of jam,† she said lightly, wiping her finger on the low-hanging branch of a passing tree. â€Å"Mr. Salvatore,† she teased, â€Å"I know we have made you feel very much at home, but while you are our guest, perhaps you should be more careful with your table manners.† Mrs. Sutherland began to chide her daughter, but seeing the happy relief upon my own face, she smiled as well. Soon we were all laughing gaily at Stefan Salvatore, the nighttime-hero-turned-careless-houseguest, as we made our way back into the sunlight.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Literacy Narrative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Literacy Narrative - Essay Example Formative assessment plays an important role to both readers and communicators. First, before undertaking a journey to communicate, a communicator has a goal in mind or a message he would like to drive home. To achieve goals, it is important that a communicator understand the persons being communicated to through formative assessment. For instance as a communicator, formative assessment helped me to understand the gap between the desired goal and the current knowledge of the people I was addressing. On the other hand, learners get to gauge their extent of understanding. After assessing the gap, both learners and communicators can now allow this knowledge to guide them through actions necessary to obtain their main goal. An effective feedback will provide suggestions for closing the gap. Some of the methods communicators can use to assess learning include giving assignments, group discussions, and tests. Secondly, formative assessments motivate learners to improve on their understandi ng of the subject other than just getting the right answers. For instance, assignments and tests helped me as a learner to get specific comments, errors, and feedbacks on my level of understanding about a topic. Formative assessment encourage readers that each of them have great innate potential to perform better that they currently perform. More so, the feedback given from the tests encourage readers that they can do better. According to Ames, formative assessment helps support the expectation that all readers can give great performances and counteracts the notion that poor performances on some readers result from their lack of ability. Such readers may get discouraged and become unwilling to invest further in learning (Ames 262-270). A communicator can help improve the understanding of the students through several means. For instance, I can ask my discussion group members to summarise a topic or main points after a discussion. A communicator can also give related questions on the topic of study and mark them. In this, the communicator will test understanding of some vocabularies or concepts in the topic. Searching for meanings of vocabularies and answering questions proves quite helpful to me in learning. Thirdly, formative assessment plays an important role where readers can perform self-evaluation. Statistics reveal that readers who are governed by certain goals in their learning and opt to do self-evaluations are much better that those who do not. They have time to reflect on their strengths and weaknesses and filling in the gap through further learning. Additionally, formative assessment enables students with disabilities to train on how to evaluate themselves, helping them to improve. As a communicator, I assist readers to self-evaluate themselves through group discussions. Here, learners have an opportunity to receive a challenge especially where i mix the slow learners with the fast learners. A communicator can float a question and ask readers to writ e down what they think about it and read their answers around to the rest of the readers. He can also separate the students in small groups, give them time to brainstorm and have one of them present the groups work. All these will help instil the habit of self-evaluation to the students. Fourthly, formative assessment effects on teachers quality. Statistics reveal that a communicator’s quality has the highest influence on a reader’

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Websites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Websites - Essay Example connects users throughout the world by providing them with various applications and social communication services through their accounts or profiles. The content of this site has been rated lowly because the postings of its users include unreliable information. However the site has gained popularity among the online social networks because of its ease of use and cost free (Weimann 47). The site has a high quality of design with menus and icons which makes the user to access various services free of charge. The website has a search functionality which makes its users to search for friends and group with whom social communication is made possible. The functionality of the links within the Facebook makes the site to be the most reliable social networking site in the world (Beer 19). The Google website is classified as a search engine but it also offers electronic mail services through Gmail and social networking through Google Buzz (Poduwal and Kamya 1). This website is classified as the most successful search engine in the world because it connects users to a wide variety of online content both form authoritative and unreliable sources. The website is reliable in the display of results to the user upon request and it is user friendly with icons and menus which make it easy to use. However Google has been faced with confidentiality issues and especially in its electronic mail service because the private user information is vulnerable to exposure to a third party (Beer 21). YouTube is classified as the most popular video sharing network in the world. It provides users with the functionality of posting various videos which are accessible to the online communities throughout the world. The website enables the users to access video content of various formats (Weimann 52). The website has a reliable speed which allows life streaming of various video and audio clips. However the video technology applied by the YouTube website may be complicated for a novice user, the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 45

History - Essay Example Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels produced the Manifesto to announce their policy document; â€Å"society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps . . .† and committed to the aim of â€Å"the overthrow of the bourgeoisie, the rule of the proletariat, the ending of the old society . . .† (Marx and Engels 34). The concepts of capital, labor and excess profits were all remarkably new at that time and Marx thought the modern bourgeoisie had established new conditions of oppression. His theory therefore advocated for the workers to own the means of production so that they will reap and benefit from the profits it produced. It is not very surprising that he had anticipated a future that is post-capitalist in which the workers live in Utopian society; where everybody is equal without artificial divisions in the way rich and poor people lead their lives. â€Å"The feudal relations of property . . . had been replaced by free competition† of the industrial society such that there is an absurdity – an epidemic of over-production.† He further stated all history is the history of class struggles (between the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat) but he predicted that in the end, the proletarians (modern working class) will win, it is â€Å"as equally inevitable.† (ibid.). The Eisenhower administration covered two presidential terms (1953-1961) and was a period marked by relative global peace (except the Korean War) and also by a continuous expansion of the United States economy. In other words, it was a period of prosperity in that most Americans had secure high-paying jobs and were able to attain the â€Å"American Dream† of reaching the middle class in terms of owning their homes and having cars in the garages. This period has also seen the rise of the so-called military-industrial complex in which Big Business and the military establishment had joined forces to ask for big-budget ticket items in arsenals. President Eisenhower

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

English 102 College Poetry assignment Scholarship Essay

English 102 College Poetry assignment - Scholarship Essay Example The poet recognized the suffering and wasted potential, and the threat of violence in Harlem, as the peoples' dreams were deferred. With the last line, he is issuing a warning that injustice and deprivation could result in that explosion. Question 2. "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" Dylan Thomas: I have chosen this because it is full of a passion for life and refuses to accept that death is inevitable. The speaker wants to keep his father alive (it was written when Thomas' father was dying), so it is his voice. His repetition of "Do not go gentle into that good night" and "Rage, rage against the dying of the light" at the end of alternate stanzas, is full of urgent, vibrant vitality; he is willing his father and all who are old, to remember the wonder of life and stay to accomplish more. He includes all kinds of men, "wise men", "good men", "wild men" and "grave men", all qualities his father may have had. I like the way opposites emphasize power and differences: "Light" and "dark", "see" and "blind", "gentle" and "rage" and the auditory and physical imagery in words like ""forked" and "danced", "sang" and "grieved" make the poem pulsate with movement and feeling. The themes of death and loss make the poet angry, and the images are like prizes offered to tempt his father to stay. He would accept anything from his father ""curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears I pray", if only he would stay alive. Thomas rages against death as a waste of the great potential for life in everyone. Question 3. Poet v Speaker: The speaker in "Incident" is a little black boy, recalling a childhood memory, telling it from a child's point of view, with simplicity. The poet was taken to live in Baltimore as a child, so his adult voice recalls the event in the present. In "Those Winter Sundays" the speaker is a grown man, reminiscing on his childhood. He takes us back to memories of his father, expresses the emotions felt then and brings us to the present as an adult. Hayden lived in a situation where his father and mother fought and he was beaten, so he too is the speaker. Theme: The theme of "Incident" is racism, stretching across the years from 1925 Baltimore to the time the poem was written. There is disillusionment and irony too, for at the end, although it is all he can remember, there is something there of having overcome the experience. "Those Winter Sundays" is on the theme of family, and father/son relationships in particular. The speaker/poet looks back at how his father cared for his family, on his one day of rest and how this went unappreciated. Tone: "Incident", despite the simple childish rhyme, is ironic and the beginning and end of the poem add to this. It begins with "glee", then the "Baltimorean" reacting with childish and adult prejudiced response, dispels that joy, and the ending that tells how this has had a lasting impact, "but hey, I am still here to tell the tale" almost, is the ironic twist in the stark racist reality. Hayden's tone is one of regret for failing to understand or appreciate his father's love. He talked about "speaking indifferently to him", but there are signs of danger too, "fearing the chronic angers of that house." The regret is expressed in the final two lines, about "love's austere and lonely offices." Parody on "Poem" by

Monday, September 9, 2019

The Best Workplaces Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Best Workplaces - Essay Example Toyota Company also holds joint-ventures with TPCA Company in Czech Republic, Kirloskar in India, GAC in China, and Sichuan FAW in China. Toyota Company is headquartered in Toyota city, Aichi with several regional headquarters spread across different regions of the world. The company has good strategic management principles and philosophy, which has helped it to remain at the top of automobile producers globally. The production system of the company is based on lean manufacturing and just in time production, which have helped the company to produce quality vehicles. These philosophies have also helps the company to boost its brand name in the market enabling it make more sales thus increasing its profits. In 2012 and 2013, the company is said to have produced more than 10 million vehicles making it the first automobile company to produce 10 million vehicles per year. According to research there are four main elements that have enabled them to progress over the years; long-term thinking before decision-making, good problem solving techniques, continuous employee development, and continuous solving of problems which helps in organizational learning (Crawley, Swailes & Walsh, 2011). The main reason why Toyota Company was selected for this research is its steady development and progress over the years. Employees play a key role in a company’s development and as such, it means that Toyota have good human resource management skills that are helping them to nature their human resources in a way that will help the company to grow and become the world leading automotive producer (Crawley, Swailes & Walsh, 2011). Another reason why it was chosen for this research is that my uncle works there, as a line manager is the China branch. He has been my role model since I was young and want to embrace his career path. After finishing college, I will seek an internship with the company with prospects of being taken as a management trainee and later