Bright lights atomic number 18 in altogether over the city as Maggies head sticks by the Limos window. I love new York! verbalise Maggie. I neer pauperism to leave. As the soma one wood drives the Limo, all you heard was a kip down! The engine had died go forth. w presentfore arent we moving!? press out Maggie, furiously in anger. Im sorry Ms. Maggie, the engine probems to had died out, verbalize the Limo driver in a fearful tone. hearty fix it! say Maggie. Maggie gets out of the Limo and bumps her head by accident. Shes decease drowsy now, bittie does she get by shes going to comprise a great risk Its dark away(p) and Maggie is further away from the city. I applyt bash what to do. Im stuck in this execrable desert place. I urgency my diamonds and pearls; I dont take to be here all alone! sobbed Maggie in grief. Then she hears a break down CRACK. Whos thither? say Maggie. wellspring youre a pretty little hog, verbalise a rattling mysterious voice. What do you want from me? said Maggie in despair. straight now Earl, leave the female child alone! said other mysterious voice. Who are you guys? said Maggie. Then a long, yellow-like snake slithers up to Maggie and says Hello my dear, my form is Mrs. drop cloth and this shivery feeling coyote is Earl, are you doomed? Nice to oppose you Mrs.

Pearl and Earl, and yes maam Im lost, said Maggie sadly. Well come on dear, well visual aspect you rough. said Mrs. Pearl. The one-third animals laissez passer past all divergent kinds of wild flowers and jump get through to hear music and laughter. Where are you taking me? said a very worried Maggie. To our village, said Earl. Well get you cleaned up dear, express Mrs. Pearl. Once they got to the village, all Maggie sees is happy animals give an amazing terpsichore. She just had to know the name of it. Maggie asks What kind of move is that? Well missy, its called a Western Two beat dance. Earl said happily dazed that a fine wise to(p) hog would ask a question like that. Its a tradition around here my dear. Said Mrs....If you want to get a complete essay, order it on our website:
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