Metamorphosis When he lifted his head a little, he saw his vaulted brown belly, sectioned by arch-shaped ribs, to whose covered stadium the cover, about to slide off completely, could b atomic outcome 18ly cling. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, were gesticulate helplessly forrader his eyes. Gregor Samsa has gone through a metamorphosis. This trade has turned Gregor into a severe vermin. The anxieties, inner terrors, and cynicism, which exact Gregors life, are expressed by Kafka throughout the novel, metamorphosis. Franz Kafka uses these feelings as an instalment of Expressionism to suffer Gregors attitudes towards his life and society.

Examples depicting this element of Expressionism used in the novel are Gregors feelings towards his job, the rear his job has on his family, and the cruelty that his family displays. The novel opens with Gregor in his monstrous state, late for work. He infers that his job as a travelling salesman is very conseq...If you necessitate to get a full essay, instal it on our website:
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