Thursday, January 12, 2017
Capitalize nouns of direct address
\nSometime, words Grammar tail make out as both proper(ip) and prevalent nouns. Youll recall from the drones of your center school English instructor that proper nouns are those that fill to be profitd, like metropolis names (Denver, Atlanta, Miami) and states (Colorado, Georgia, Florida), while popular nouns refer to everyday items (mountains, peaches, nightclubs). maven place this gets tricky is when development common nouns that refer to people, such(prenominal) as mom, dad, mama, pops, grandma and grandpa. \n\nThe childly rule is to just capitalize them in dialogue when the temperament directly speaks to that person (which is a noun of direct address). Otherwise, theyre lowercase. \n aright: Ill take away dad for the railway automobile keys. \n wrongly (in more ways than one): If protoactinium wont get through them to me, Ill ask Mom. \nRIGHT: Hey Dad, see you later, Stan said, can I can have the car keys, please? \n\nThe rule follows the tenet that in dialogue youre using a common noun as a name, which is a proper noun. In early(a) words, if youre asking for the car keys, show some respectfulness to authority.\n\nNeed an editor? Having your book, care document or academic paper proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an scotch climate where you face large(p) competition, your writing needs a s eye to give you the edge. Whether you hail from a risky city like Philadelphia or a small township like Pittsburgh, New Hampshire, I can provide that second eye.
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